Monday, December 6, 2010

What Is Sleep-Why Does It Happen

Sleep is a widespread biological phenomenon. Every living organism sleeps at some point. Average time for daily sleep for humans is about 8 hours a day however this time varies from mammal to mammal. Even though we all know what is sleep because we experience it every night there is marked progress is being made in answering three fundamental questions: what is sleep, what are its mechanisms and what are its functions. Sleep is an essential part of our lives. Our bodies collapse with fatigue unless we sleep enough hours every day. Sleep is necessary for a healthy and balanced life. We need to sleep long enough and well enough to function well during waking hours.

Stage 1 sleep may last for five to 10 minutes. After stage 1, stages N2 and N3 then reappear, followed by the first instance of REM sleep later on. Cycles of stage N2 and REM sleep alternate with each other for the second half of the night. Stages 1 and 2 are relatively "light" stages of sleep. In fact, if someone is awoken during one of these stages, he or she will often report no being asleep at all.

Stress can wear your body down, and if you get the proper amount of sleep, it can repair the damage the stress had on your body throughout the day. Your body can regenerate and heal from the damaged caused from a typical stressful day. Stress is the most common cause of tinnitus as the body tires and weakens. Stress is usually the result of over thinking or worrying that overloads the brain to impair the sleep function. Stress, anxiety and depression are linked to both back pain and poor sleep.

Proper sleep is vitally important and it is a very basic part of a healthy routine. Proper sleep is absolutely essential to good health and it's even more important when you're older and it takes your body longer to recover from everyday stress and fatigue.

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